12 Acting Audition Tips

So you say you want to act, but are you really ready to do what it takes in the audition room? Here are 12 common-sense auditioning tips.


Don't be rude and indignant in the lobby area and then become charming and friendly in the audition they will find out about your bad behavior when you leave believe me they talk.


Do not demand to go first because you have to leave for another audition and then stand out talking to another actor for 40 minutes after you're done.


Come in over prepared and don't waste the casting directors time saying you didn't get the sides beforehand now if you really didn't get the sides beforehand get there early ask them to give you the sides and ask if you can go at the end of the call.


Breathe! Be in the moment. Make the audition about them and not about you you are there to do your job you're not there to give them that oh you're gonna me for this job I'll never work again I know that look I know it from doing it and seeing it on other people and it's thanks so don't do that to people go in there have fun be the life of the audition make them wanna call you back.


Don’t come in there saying you had the wrong address, whether it was 500 North Wilshire or 500 South Wilshire - that is your problem. You should have figured it out and gotten there early anyway. That is not their problem.


Don't come into the audition looking like you just rolled out of bed to play the role of a boss or wearing flip-flops when you're supposed to be playing a professional. Your attire is just as important as your dialogue. Be prepared.


Please do not bring a ten-year-old picture to represent you. That's just wrong.


Do not put lies on your resume unless it's somebody you know, because when they start calling you gonna get busted and don't front like you know famous people that you don't or that you did some role that you didn't because there is no shame in having a small resume as a matter of fact a lot of directors like it.


Talent and good looks aren't always the thing that gets you the job. Three things casting directors are looking for are people who show up on time, are prepared and play well with others.


If you put down special skills and you do not have them and they find out about it, you will get called out. People hate being made a fool out of.


Do not go to an audition under the influence. They know. They can smell you, stupid.


Do not hit on the casting director, the assistant, the cameraperson, the receptionist or the janitor. They will accidentally delete your footage on purpose.

Follow these tips and you will be brought back many times to audition and who knows you may even book every time you come in!

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